A person’s behavior is like a clue in a mystery story. It reveals, and it conceals. It leads, and it misleads. It speaks a variety of messages and serves a variety of purposes. It is affected by the situations in which it occurs, the response it receives, and the depth of the need it conveys. It is as complex as the person who uses it and is too often defined by it.
This can be especially true for someone with special needs, who might not always be able to tell us what’s wrong, what they need, or how to help.
The process you have before you is a team discussion tool for developing respectful and successful behavioral strategies for individuals with special needs and those who support them. It is parent-friendly, teacher-useful, non-technical, jargon-free, and respectful of the thoughts and feelings of everyone involved. It results from more than 30 years of experience with thousands of students and their teams.
The Social Learning Profile is helpful for families, teachers, paraprofessionals, social workers, behavioral specialists, psychologists, advocates, day programs, group home personnel, and anyone searching for a values-based, person-centered approach to assessing and addressing complex behavioral issues for persons with special needs.